

January 30, 2014

INTERVIEW: Making Monsters

'An angry b*tch with riffs!'
Rocking on their UK tour with Max Raptor, Only Rivals and Fort Hope, the female-fronted four-piece form Darry, Ireland — Emma (vocals), Paul (guitar), Joe (bass) and Brian (drums), found some free time to talk about their band Making Monsters, road to the music world and more!

Can you give a recap on how the band got together?

Paul: It began as a project for songs I had built up over a few months, after a while I wanted to make it an actual gigging band so started recruiting members and after several line up changes and lots of hard work we are where we are today - currently on tour with Max Raptor, Only Rivals and Fort Hope around the UK!

How did you come up with the name ‘Making Monsters’?

Paul: To cut a long story short, basically my girlfriend and I (Paul) were expecting our first child and everyone would joke about how crazy it would be (based on my personality), hence making a monster! Plus we all love big riff based songs so it suited well.

Brian, Joe, Emma & Paul
At what age did you start playing an instrument/singing? Who are the musicians you look up to? 

Paul: I began playing guitar at the age of 14 and what really got me into this genre and made me want to play guitar was when I bought 'Hybrid Theory' by Linkin Park and 'Infest' by Papa Roach. I instantly fell in love with fat riffs.

Joe: I began playing violin at around the age of 7 but I was terrible and gave it up. I tried guitar at 14 but I wasn't much use at that so gave it up too. A band I was in at the time needed a bass player, so I switched to bass and here I am today. The musicians I look up to would be Charlie Landsborough and Raymond Froggatt to name the main inspirations.

Emma: I started playing guitar at 11 and then playing piano and singing at around 14. The acoustic stuff didn't quite do it for me and I wanted to form a band as my music taste got angrier and heavier. I'm keen on a bit of Dizzie Gillespie and Chris Cornell.

Brian: I got my first drum kit at the age of 17 and fell in love, I love any good drummer!

What bands/musicians influenced your music style? 

Paul: Everything ranging from our Daniel, to a bit of Slipknot!

Since the first EP, how do you feel you’ve evolved as a band?

Paul: After three different bassists, a lot of touring and a lot of learning curves, we're confident that we've found our sound which is a combination of heavier material infused with the more melodic and pop hooks.

What is your music writing process?

Paul: It normally starts with a few guitar chords or riffs before drums are added and then the bass is added on to lock in the rhythm section. The melodies and lyrics are predominantly written by Emma!

What’s your take on touring?

Paul: It's certainly eventful and a lot of fun but of course the long hours on the road can be quite tiring and monotonous. Despite that, getting out to meet existing and new fans at the shows is amazing. It's always great to check our Facebook and Twitter pages after a show to see new fans messaging us!

Was it hard to get your band out there — booking gigs, building up the fan base? 

Paul: Extremely hard. We played as many shows as possible and slowly worked our way up to this stage. We have a lot more hard work to put in and we're well aware that this is only the beginning but we've put every last drop of energy into the band and will continue to do so. Twitter is an amazing tool for finding new fans of our music and Facebook is great to keep people up to date when we're on the road or in the studio too!

What 2014 holds for ‘Making Monsters’? 

Paul: Once we arrive back from our UK tour with Max Raptor, Only Rivals and Fort Hope we'll be releasing our brand new music video and single for 'Limits' in advance of our brand new five track EP release. After that we'll be heading back out on tour and trying to continue building our fan base!

Any memorable, funny, weird moments form the gigs? 

Paul: We all got electrocuted one time on stage but all at different times! It was pretty shocking!

In short, describe your band for those, who hadn’t heard you yet.
Paul: An angry bitch with riffs!


Emma: Loud, angry and aggressive but sometimes melodic post-groove core.

Brian: It makes my face do smiles and stuff!

Check them out on: Facebook

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